A policeman receives a surprise worth Php100k after giving money to a GrabFood rider-working student he caught at the checkpoint. That’s awesome karma! Good Karma to...
An old woman walks for 2 weeks to go back home with her dog in tow – and she never left her dog behind, the no...
A councilor fakes getting caught by cops for a sweet proposal that surprised his girlfriend. And we can also call him the best actor, huh? Fake...
Due to unpaid rent, a heartless landlady removes the roof and even the door of the house rented by a pregnant woman! Kind neighbors had to...
A barber’s wife saves Php217k from husband’s tips and surprises him during lockdown by still having a lot of money despite him not having a job!...
A female cadet tops ‘Masidlawin’ Class of 2020 of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), earning the distinction of being the sixth woman to top the class...
He thought he would be in trouble after passing at the lane dedicated for frontliners but GrabFood rider and working student Joshua Basa received something totally...
A restaurant and a rider got pranked by a ‘blogger’ who made an order with a fake account! ‘Blogger’ Makes Fake Order These days, a lot...
A customer refuses to pay after the delivery rider arrived 4 minutes late – and she even gave him a bad rating! Tsk. Tsk. Fake Order...
A woman finds her long-lost dad on the barangay’s list of SAP beneficiaries – and it was totally unexpected because they both came from Mindanao but...