A college student goes viral for creating a makeshift study area outside their house to cope with the challenges of online learning. His study area is...
A heartless customer cancels her FoodPanda order and throws food at the rider for being late in bringing her food! The story has gone viral, with...
An old man with Alzheimer’s Disease keeps forgetting his wife is in quarantine. But he only forgets that she is in quarantine, yet he never forgets...
A kid orders snacks from his uncle’s phone, but the latter was surprised after learning about the order, especially because the shipping fee is higher than...
She lost her dad last year, but Alyssa was surprised to receive a mysterious email from him, containing detailed instructions to surprise his wife! It’s a...
Mommy Thoughts ‘pranks’ food delivery riders for Father’s Day special! It’s a good prank that would actually be fantastic for everyone to do for the delivery...
An old man bikes with training wheels amid the COVID-19 transport restrictions. His photos went viral, with many netizens expressing admiration that he found a way...
An Aeta graduates from senior high school. She shares her story to inspire others, particularly those who are experiencing similar struggles she had as someone very...
A 55-year-old streetsweeper graduates with a business degree and goes viral as she inspires many others to reach for their dreams, no matter the circumstances. After...
After his art exhibit was canceled, a senior Baguio artist barters his paintings for food. The move was met with much positivity online – and many...